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Old 20th April 2016, 08:43 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

I managed to get a few rounds i dont need many to make a judgement i have been playing Gears online since day one and not very well may i add but thats not the point

Right off the bat i feel right at home this looks and feels like Gears of War which is what i wanted especially with all the talk with a new studio taking on the franchise from Epic. There was a little fear at the start when they said they would take the Gears series in a different direction that may upset some of the fans but all my worried were swept aside when i heard that Rod Ferguson was on board this man LOVES the Gears series so it is safe to say its in good hands.

The game runs really smooth even when there is some frantic action going on with 10 players trying to rip each other apart in one small area of the map. There are three maps on show here in the Beta and al three keep the Gears tradition of small tight maps keeping the action tense and the player on edge. Sliding in and out of cover is better than ever feeling less sticky and more fluid. The new enemies look cool but they are not too far removed from the Locust but maybe thats just the models they are using for the beta. The Cogs do look alot smaller than Marcus and co maybe they dont as much chance to hit the gym these days

So far so good if the retail game is as good as this then exciting times ahead. One thing that always annoys me about Gears online which is not the developers fault but there is an unwritten rule with Gears you dont steal kills when you get an enemy down you just walk away and let there person finish what they started. In the three games i played i had 16 kills stolen on me. Hopefully i will be able to find some players when the time comes who play by these community rules that are well known to everyone that plays the multiplayer.

Oh well in a perfect world i am king but this world aint perfect i aint sh.....
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