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Old 1st May 2016, 10:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Big Game (2014)

When Air Force One is shot down over Finland, the President manages to escape in the mountains and is helped by a young lad doing a Finnish hunting ritual to turn him into a man, whilst avoiding the terrorists hot on their heels.

Well this was something else entirely. Probably the best action comedy in years. Just a hoot from beginning to end. From reviews i was expecting something quite slow but this was a fast moving joy ride from start to finish.

Cliched, ridiculous, hilarious acting. It had the feel of a Van Damme film where he never bothered to turn up so they used the kid picking his nose in the corner instead.

I'd have watched this a lot sooner if i'd known they were going to drop Samuel L Jackson's US president out of a helicopter and down a a fridge.

Using every cliche in the book somehow it works. The Pentagon officials staring into monitors and at satellite footage are an absolute scream, and as for Ray Stevenson's psychopath, handily ready to drop with a bullet lodged near his heart, The Punisher: Warzone this ain't.

If Big Game is supposed to be a serious film then it fails terribly, if it's supposed to be a wild, enjoyable ride with plenty of laugh out loud moments and mad Finnish wit then it borders on the brilliant.

Definitely a film i'll watch again and again and again.
I swear i mentioned the fridge scene in my review last year. Glad you liked it though, its a great film and a nice change for Sam Jackson to play a slightly different persona. Have you seen Rare Exports Dem?
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