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Old 11th May 2016, 02:33 PM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K


A murderer is on the prowl in Paris and bodies of young girls have been found in the river. Suspition falls on puppeteer John Carradine....

For a low budget horror, PRC have put some effort in to this and it looks good.
John Carradine is great as the troubled puppeteer and the puppet show he puts on looks really great. A classic sweeping music score plays the entire 70mins.
The tunnels which the murderer sinks his victims in the river are pretty atmospheric but this is not really a horror film as such. Lasting only 1 hour 10mins, it does seem like the film is on for much longer. Worth checking out for John Carradine and the great puppet show.
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