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Old 12th May 2016, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Ian Mckellan's not a star in my eyes, well he is, but he's just a bloke from Burnley, about five miles from me, same for Patrick Stewart, he was born local as well, albeit nearer Rik.

Tom Cruise always divides feeling. Those like me who like him think he's a true star but the others sort of dislike him with a vengeance. I really like how he is with fans. He always makes time for them at events which is really good in my opinion. I really couldn't give two hoots about his beliefs as long as he makes films like Mission Impossible and Jack Reacher.

Whilst i like Mirren she's too much of an opinionated luvvie who thinks we should all listen to what she has to say on the issues of the day. FFS shut up! You're just an actor.

Clint Eastwood and John Wayne are like Gods of the film world.

As for Stewart, i'm surprised you don't like him (or at least you never mentioned him) He's a brilliant actor and always worth watching no matter what he's in.

Bogart, Edward G and Cagney always played their selves or at least their screen persona. All are frankly superb.


In an unrelated piece. (Not aimed at you nos42) I find it difficult to take anyone seriously who can't appreciate the stars of the past. We don't have many true stars nowadays. Hanks and Cruise as well as Clooney are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head since the early 90's who have true proven star quality and longevity.
You're forgetting
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