I'm so poor between dropping $400 for tickets and merch for Iron Maiden the other week, multiple evenings out drinking, and Slipknot tickets in two days, but my god by hook or by crook I will find some way to obtain the money to fund this.
I love contributing to restorations, and even better to horror movies and Italian exploitation! Funding for this is going heaps faster than the last IndieGoGo, so if they get even just two I'd be happy but 4 would be amazing.
Last time I was a little underwhelmed with their campaign between non existent communication, massive delays and underwhelming slipcases in quality and design, but they were a fledgling label then and the Italian line had barely started, where as they are clearly experience now and I trust them to do a good swift job with this
Being able to already supply a 5 minute 2K sample of Absurd is certainly enough to convince me as opposed to last time's "we have the Zombi Holocaust negs and will try find anything for Burial Ground"