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Old 15th May 2016, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
I'm bracing myself for when the re-master looks scuzzy. I remember the furore when Shriek show released beyond the darkness and there was a suggestion the materials were f****d. Then again they got good results from Burial ground.
That's been said a lot in the past about titles that have turned out quite nicely given the proper TLC by a competent label so I have confidence Like you said, Burial Grounds is a perfect example, and if they can resurrect that, even if it does look like it could still use a little improvement (colour correction), then they can resurrect any Italian title, and the more money they get, the better a job they can do and the more films they can restore

I actually hope they exceed £40,000 so we can see what other movies they'll offer up to restore
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