Thread: Games Talk
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Old 18th November 2009, 02:30 AM
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Gigantor Gigantor is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by vipco View Post
Apparently therse a petition going round the net for a CZW video game (death match wrestling), but with some of its wrestlers being involved in the Levy beating , Dustin Lee's expose of the 'no blood tests and rampant STD's and drug use amongst its roster , I cant see any games company being interested no matter now many names it gets.

CZW wrestlers did feature in Backyard Wrestling 2 TGTN. on PS2 some years ago, but the game wasn't a sucess. (it was fun though)
I don't know about the chances of a game but after that little write up i think sales of the next DVD is going to go through the roof,Yeah that Levy incident was pretty bad.

Yeah BYW was fun but it was to much trouble button mashing to do anything
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