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Old 19th May 2016, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
Part of me is intrigued to see it, just to see if it can be as bad as it looks! But I do think that even Sony must know how hated this movie is and that it's going to be flop
Itl be a flop but not as big as a flop as some people think, chances are itl make enough money to possible warrant another, im curious but i wont go cinema or be in a rush to see it, like stated before in original it was like the jokes where effortless and come natural, in this its like their trying to be funny and thats part of why its failing, most people just dont like the fact its a female cast, ok it would have worked better if it was at least half female and half original or they slowly introduced them then made a female cast in another film. Thats the problem with hollywood they dont toy with a new idea they just completely go the full hog and reinvent something new and different to extent they break and damage it, and everybody hates it before it even goes on release and thats bad extremely bad,
If someone invented something and it was a disaster they would learn by their mistakes, listen to the criticism and start again and try fix where they went wrong but in hollywood they dont they just think if it made eg double its money back they think its a hit and just go straight back out and make the same **** up all over again. When will they ever learn.
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