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Old 21st May 2016, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
I have not clicked the link because I have seen this 'x' times on the news this morning, but yes - it is good to see someone who is enjoying life!
Exactly and you always get the one bell end, so im going to admit when i do see the bell end i tend to make comments to stick up for people because i hate bullies bell ends etc, one lad wrote nothing funny about a fat lass wearing a mask, or words to that effect so i wrote
Lewis powell, Thats is the person name by the way
That is why there is so much hatred in the world because of shallow people like you, so because you think she fat she not allowed to be happy bet she more entertaining at a party than you, bet you sit there in the corner criticising people, grow up will you if a person happy who cares what they look like. Is youre girlfriend happy with you making that comment, and everyone who has family friends know people who are overweight bet you're overweight friends arent happy with you making that comment and if they arent quiet frankly they should be. Thats just shows youre true colours, a vile and nasty bigot person, no one perfects and people should accept people for who or what they are. Instead of acting shallow like you, tbh makes a real change that someone who is happy making other people smile by being happy instead of half the usual shit on the internet of people fighting, causing trouble, being dickheads, and babbling shit and thinking their funny when their not. So good on the women.
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