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Old 25th May 2016, 11:29 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Originally Posted by platostotal View Post
Some cheap tat (and Badge of Fury) from Poundland on BD.
(a guilty pleasure I know but STM has a 'so bad it's good' vibe, luckily as it's pretty bad CGI wise too)

Loved BoF. an oddity.

Sushi Girl (Kern Saxton, 2012)
Tony Todd in lead role with said role not having Candy in title! A-hem. reasonable thriller which I highly recommend to Star Wars fans on here.

Precious Cargo (2016, Max Adams)
Was nice to see someone smoking in this. By the numbers actioner, B Willis slumming it as the villian (see Vice also..), quite violent in places.

War Pigs (Ryan Little, 2015)
WWIIer with ze Dolph and ze Bros. Don't all stampede to the door! Reasonablish men on a mission film. Worth it for ze accent, dacor!

Showdown in Manila (Mark Dacacos, 2016)
Second tier Expendables really. Sadly the structure of the film doesn't make enough of this premise. Not that this is a failing, just my own feeling ahem! The Phillipines locations look familiar....

Crimson Peak (Guillermo Del Toro, 2015)
Stunning looking film by ra wie! Can see why some people were "let down", but as I saw Rebecca, Dragonwyck, Gaslight etc etc in it, was well pleased. The snow coming through the roof etc. BONNY!!!

Tremors 5: Bloodlines(Don Michael Paul, 2015)
Hey the dad from Family Ties! Wasn't he in the first one?? (he was). Sadly Jamie Kennedy turns up. Oh well. Despite this, an undemanding watch.

Toxic Avenger II (1989, Herz/Kaufman)
Uberviolent sequel. Recommended!!

Heavy Traffic (12973, Ralph Bakshi)
Another blend of live action and animation from the chap who did Lord Of The Rings first. Not as successful a venture as Coonskin imho, though juuust as "controversial" ahem. Recommended?

Against The Dark (2009, Richard Crudos)
Whilst trawling through some of these beauts, I occasionally find a gem. Like the cut scenes in a generic horror game, this trundles along, the characters do ludicrous things (no weapons?), the stilted "dialogue". And this is all before Seagal turns up!! Truly awful on all levels, this was well worth the wait.

The Night Has Eyes (1942, Leslie Arliss)
Cheers Dem!! From the opening scene, I was captivated by this little charmer. Recommended the Brit fans etc etc.

Blackhat (Micheal Mann, 2015)
Or Cyber WWZ. Ever wanted to see Thor with a haircut?? Then I highly recommend this. Otherwise, laugh your arse off at this ludicrous, overlong and deeply ludicrous movie. On the other hand....

Black Mountain Side (2014, Nick Szostakiwskyj)
Unusual, if somewhat slightly flawed take on the archeologists-dig-up-something-awry genre. Recommended.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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