Originally Posted by michal IF Massacre in Dinosaur Valley will not pass uncut . Lots of bloggers will give 88 films hard time because they put uncut on there website. What are your opinions |
As far as I can see, the last time it was submitted was 2002 for the Vipco release, and the BBFC demanded 1:54 seconds of cuts for the 18 certificate, specifically:
The BBFC commented: Cuts required to sexual and sexualised violence:
- forcible removal of woman's underwear and subsequent shots of full nudity
- sight of woman's breast being clawed and wounded with resulting flow of blood and collection of blood in a bowl
- sight of woman's breast being exposed, her breast being kissed, her loin cloth being undone, her pubic hair being touched and her positive response to a sexual assault
- sight of man forcibly tearing open a woman's shirt, revealing her breasts and struggling with her).
- Further cuts to sight of cocks attacking each other during a cockfight.
Given how much has changed in the last 14 years at Soho Square and the films which have included sexualised violence and passed uncut, the only problem would be the cockfight. If 88 Films have some evidence that it was documented and not staged for the film (as cockfighting was quite popular in Thailand at the time, that was probably the case for the one in Man from Deep River, but hey ho), there shouldn't be any problem with that either. If, however, the examiners insist on a couple of cuts to the cockfight, it will be hard to describe it as completely uncut, but it's as close to it ever will be as long as the Cinematograph (Animals) Act is on the statute books.