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Old 6th June 2016, 12:37 PM
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JamesN JamesN is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: NC

I tend to like Eli Roth's work more than I don't, but in terms of being worth a one-time watch instead of anything memorable that I will want to buy and watch again. I thought CABIN FEVER was okay, and I dug the HOSTEL movies quite a bit even if they weren't perfect. KNOCK KNOCK was pretty bad, but I still dug it in a "trashy fun" kinda way.

That said, I liked THE GREEN INFERNO. I didn't love it, but I definitely enjoyed it for the very flawed film that it was. Some of the cannibalism sequences I found very disturbing, but one thing that really bothered me about 'INFERNO was the way Roth was all-over-the-place tonally. A lot of the humor I didn't think worked at all, because it came from out of nowhere during an otherwise very disturbing scene. I found myself pulled out of the movie because I kept thinking, "Why would he choose to do that?"

Overall, though, like I said, I did enjoy it. I bought it, and don't regret the blind buy. I just don't know if it's something I'll be watching again any time soon, just like everything else he's done . . . .
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