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Old 6th June 2016, 07:04 PM
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platostotal platostotal is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Berks.

BD vs dvd, a new pristine transfer will look fantastic on either, i.e. a great BD will also look great on dvd, however a 1080p image on a big screen can look much more film like, detailed and closer to a cinema presentation, or if it's a well loved classic (Blade Runner, Dr No for me) it's really worth the upgrade, but... a grindhouse 80s horror filmed in cheap n' cheerful style, a nice dvd transfer is fine enough IMHO, and of course if you can walk into CEX and pick up Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 disc SE dvd for £1 compared to the £20 BD steely in HMV the case is even stronger for a solid dvd.

As an aside the BD that most recently had the 'Knocked my socks off' effect was of all things... Kung Fu Panda, a simply sublime CGI chunk of gorgeousness that looks so good you want to jump into the frame.

Whichever format, just enjoy the film... and damn the detractors.
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