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Old 15th June 2016, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by JAMIOUSE View Post
I watched my copy on Monday night, it's a brilliant transfer with no scanner issues. If it's the same transfer that Midnight Legacy used I don't know as I never owned the disc. I've only seen Alien 2 as a very bad VHS rip on DVD so seeing it in HD is a bit of revelation! The stock footage thats spliced in is very, very grainy but the footage spliced into the negative would have been originaly anyway. Audio is fine, it's a bit quiet in places but that is probably due to the condition of the English dub. It's a great release with a new trailer reel of upcoming releases.

Watching it now. As you say, no scanner issues that plague a lot of Italian transfers. It looks pretty good.
"Give me grain or give me death!"
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