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Old 9th July 2016, 09:15 AM
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Cinematic Shocks Cinematic Shocks is offline
Seasoned Cultist
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Location: Pattaya, Thailand

Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
watched the first few episodes of Buffy which i'm enjoying BUT it seems to have aged badly this will probably improve as the show goes on.
Definitely stick with it, as it gets much better. Season 2 is far superior to season 1 and I consider it the best one with 3 a very close second (almost tied) and 5 makes up the last of my top 3 seasons. I’d place season 1 in the middle. It’s the most simplistic season; it’s only 12 episodes long (half the length of the other seasons) and it’s more of a monster of the week show at this point with a loose story arc thrown in. The effects are the most dated of the series too. But it’s still fun and it lays the foundations of what’s to come.

Joss Whedon really takes advantage of elaborating on this with Season 2. It really comes into its own as a show here especially at the halfway point and becomes the ‘Buff the Vampire Slayer’ that is adored by so many. It also introduces Spike who’s my favourite Buffy character along with Willow and Faith who’s introduced in season 3. Season 6 is a good season overall with the last three episodes being excellent. Season 7 is second from bottom but isn’t bad overall. Season 4 is the worst but it still has some standout episodes and Spike has loads of great comic moments throughout.

Check out the spin-off series ‘Angel’ as well that’s also great. It starts after Buffy season 3 and is set alongside Buffy season 4 onwards and runs for 5 seasons. If you’re interested, you can follow this guide to watch all episodes of both shows chronologically - The Watcher's Council: Buffy and Angel Episode Viewing Order
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Last edited by Cinematic Shocks; 9th July 2016 at 09:29 AM.
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