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Old 25th July 2016, 09:21 AM
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Deadite Deadite is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Nov 2015

Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay. Been on the lookout for this for a while. Filed under 'erotic horror', i'd say that the first 30 minutes certainly live up to that description. There's a nice atmosphere for the first part of the film that goes up to and runs through the heroine's first meeting with the ubiquitous Morgana Le Fay. After that initial meeting, the atmosphere seems to drop off and although there are a couple of 'erotic' scenes after the opening half hour, they do not convey the same frisson of tension as those earlier in the film. It's a bit of a curiosity - as so many cult films are, but i'd most definitely put this under 'Inspired by Rollin.' If you like his films, you might like this.

Theater of Blood. Probably don't need to say much about this. One of my favourite films. Great hammy performance by Vincent Price and able support by the mighty Diana Rigg. Price goes through multiple wardrobe changes as he bumps off a circle of critics that ruined his career in ways inspired by Shakespearean plays (the dialogue of which Price delivers with relish throughout). One of the best British horror films of the 70s - with tongue most firmly in cheek.
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