Thread: Jess Franco
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Old 4th August 2016, 10:37 AM
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Mansion of the Living Dead (1982)

Four young women turn up at a remote holiday resort and a largely empty hotel awaits them, an hotel empty but for the deranged owner, the wife he keeps chained up in a room and a band of living dead monks.

Despite having some potential, Mansion of the Living Dead is a rather weak horror film from Spanish directorial legend Jess Franco. Concentrating more on the four girls including regular Lina Romay, the film's first half is non-stop soft core sex courtesy of Franco's roving camera.

It's not until the half way stage that we are introduced to the dead monks who look uncannily like Amando de Ossorio's Blind Dead Templar's. Franco's film comes over as a pale imitation lacking the class and atmosphere of de Ossorio's masterpieces.

The living dead monks look okay in their white hooded cloaks and skeletal faces but unfortunately lack any real menace, in fact all they do is rape Romay and another girl at different points of the film...and that's about it. The sub plot regarding the hotelier and his imprisoned wife seems like a time wasting affair to make this a feature length production and doesn't really add anything to what little storyline there is.

However if it's female flesh you want to see then you won't be disappointed. Romay, again billed here as Candy Costa, and her three friends waste no time in disrobing or wearing the most revealing outfits possible and make their intentions clear within the first five minutes. 'If we can't find a man, then we'll have fun ourselves' is a line said more than once in the introductory sequences.

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