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Old 10th August 2016, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
finding dory

well as people might know i was going to see suicide squad, but that didn't pan out for a number of reasons

A. who i was going with car broke

B. got the bus to goto his and see the film at the cinema near him, but unfortunately the bus i got was so slow that if the drive drove any slower he would of went backwards so missed the show we were going to see.

C. when we got there the showing was full so decided on Dory.

back on topic

i was glad a did, fantastic, funny and heartwarming and very emotional in places, had a tear in my eye a few times. was great to meet all friends again and along the way meets some new ones. also the short was fantastic took a few moments for the penny to drop it was CGi. a great film that will give a warm glow to the even most jaded person. 9/10
Took my lad to watch Finding Dory this evening. I loved every minute, brilliant film.

Last edited by J Harker; 10th August 2016 at 01:03 AM.
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