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Old 13th August 2016, 09:47 PM
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Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

The Bill: Consumers/Lock-In. PC Jim Carver hits rock bottom in this confronting two-parter. No longer even bothering to turn up for work, and spending his days in a drunken haze, Carver is circling the drain - and then wakes up to find himself lying next to a strangled woman and isn't even sure himself he didn't do it. Mark Wingett gives a terrific performance as a Jim stripped of every last bit of dignity in this powerful couple of episodes. Burnside is also fantastic in the second part, refusing to believe Jim's guilty regardless of the evidence and telling him that, even if he did, "you can forget about prison" and "we'll sort it!"
Everyone should have a friend like Frank!
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