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Old 28th August 2016, 11:50 AM
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Delirium Delirium is offline
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
People who hate Eli Roth because everyone else does, ie jumping on the bandwagon
Or, people with the smarts to realise he's shit.

I saw Cabin Fever opening day in the US. I hated its obnoxious characters and didn't think it delivered on its premise. I also saw Hostel opening day: felt the same way. Hostel 2, ditto (not quite as obnoxious as the first, but close). And Knock Knock was my first cinema walk-out in ages.

Now I love Cannibal films and know the genre well, but feel it'll be more fool me if I buy into Roth's hackery once more. To add insult to injury, a friend of mine (who generally agrees with me on Roth) really enjoyed it.

No bandwagon involved.
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