Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs Surely all cannibal films are on the whole boring. Full of interminable jungle wanderings. They need the outrageous violence and animal slaughter to wake the viewer out of his stupor.  |
Not really because the best ones have interesting and involving character dynamics, or plot devices which, like him Cannibal Holocaust, change locations and/or the timescale. There's nothing in this font which is equal to the found footage or 'film within a film' from Deodato's most famous, the relationship between characters to rival Man from Deep River (even if that is a loose remake of A Man Called Horse).
As the main characters are annoying, there's little reason to root for them to survive apart from not wanting to watch ritual barbarism but, if you are watching cannibal film, isn't that what you expect? The most famous and respected in the genre involve people you want to survive not lasting until the end credits, not (in the same way as a Halloween or Friday the 13th) have you cheering on the killer/killers.