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Old 29th August 2016, 05:57 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: UK

The Mist

After a storm a artist and his family make there way to the local supermarket, a strange mist soon rolls in and it's not long before we find that strange creatures are in the mist. The real horror from the film doesn't come from the creature's outside but from within the supermarket were the people slowly turn on each other with a great majority being lead by the typical King religions nut job. Don't expect a typical Hollywood ending. Also watch the black and white version which is more atmospheric than the colour veriosn . 9/10

Dylon Dog : dead of night

While not as good as cemetery man its a lot better than I was expecting. Roth was actually quite good and charismatic in the title role. Dylon has retired from being a mediator between the world of man and the supernatural world, and has become a private eye but is thrust back into his old life when he takes on the latest case involving the death of his clients father. Soon he trust back into the world of vampires,werewolf's and zombies while seeking an artifact that could summon a creature that could have dire consequences for the world. 7.5/10

Now watching Misery
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