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Old 7th September 2016, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
The Raid (2011)

A second viewing of this action spectacular and whilst i enjoyed it a lot more than the first time i saw it, The Raid is a film i still feel is full of flaws.

Following a gripping opening hour we seem to fall into a trap of seemingly endless video game style hand to hand combat. Where in the opening half, bad guys were dealt with by single blows or stabs for example, the second half just goes on and on. The same three characters punching, throwing, kicking, each other with no seeming effect. The chief bad ass even gets a glass fluorescent tube stabbed into his neck with blood spurting everywhere but still he fights on as if it were merely a scratch. Realism that was apparent early doors was discarded completely.

This switch in tone doesn't work in my opinion and really lets down a film that had action classic stamped all over it up to the hour.
Yes see what you mean, as much the film concept is kinda none stop roller coaster action, a little bit of realism wouldnt go amiss as well, doesnt matter how good, tough, or hard you are if someone stabbed something into youre neck chances are you wouldn't last much longer to carry on a fight even if by chance you survived..
And sometimes just a tadge realism in a film can make a whole lot of difference.
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