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Old 15th September 2016, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Some pictures from 'Buio Omega'! Apparently the transfer has been completed in 2K from the 16mm O-neg to 1.66:1 Aspect Ratio

No - I don't know what that means either!!

It's due to be submitted to BBFC shortly...
Basically, there will be slight black bars at the sides of your widescreen TV screen. Not as big as if you were watching a full frame (1.33:1) picture, but it won't fill the frame like most broadcast TV, which is 1.78:1, would.

As for the 16mm O-neg, I think that basically means the original film stock. Bearing in mind The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was filmed in 16mm, I have very high hopes.
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