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Old 26th September 2016, 10:21 PM
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Buboven Buboven is offline
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
The Girl With All the Gifts (2016)

A great cast of Paddy Considine, Glenn Close and the lovely Gemma Arteton plus fantastic direction by BBC veteran (Sherlock, Doctor Who, Peaky Blinders) Colm McCarthy in a post apocalyptic zombie(?) drama slash horror.

Basic premise is that humans are infected by a fungal virus which turns them feral and flesh eating, yes, we've heard this part before. However there are a bunch of children who were born to infected mothers that have some sort of tolerance to the infection and can on the whole function as normal, as long as they're strapped down and can't smell uninfected flesh that is...

On the surface it doesn't seem like an original film at all, we have zombies, we have a military lock down, we have epic herd-like invasions of infected, we have deserted overgrown city landscapes. However it feels like a breath of fresh air.

I'm not going to say much about it, I hate reading spoiler reviews. There are a lot of worse things you can do than go and see this on the big screen and soak in the atmosphere and the the incredible score/sound design that's presented in this film. Give it a go!
Saw this for my Birthday yesterday, really good birthday treat. Thought it was a fresh breath of air aswell with great performances, a fantastic soundtrack as you mention, some cool cinematography and some effective bits of humour. A vey solid 9/10c for me.

Did the zombie make-up also remind you of the zombies in Zombie Flesh Eaters?

I would also definitely recommend this.
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