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Old 28th September 2016, 06:16 AM
Calum Calum is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Good Trader
Join Date: May 2009

Originally Posted by sjconstable View Post
Like Michael Mackenzie then?
I'm not sure of your point? Michael's brother works for the label and would have gotten him in the door. I like Michael, actually (although his criticism of the label and others suddenly went quiet when he was offered a gig via his brother), although class-wise he certainly comes from the stock that I would say Alex Agran approves of. Agran is a born-into-millions arrogant sod who once told me 'you make your own luck in this world'. If that is not classist I don't know what is. It is the same rhetoric used by Donald Trump - who was also not born into a family that exactly asked him to make his own way in this world.

If you look at most of the contribs to Arrow these days not one of them had to work from the bottom up to establish themselves (like I did). They have had a job or regular gig at a label predominantly focused on horror and foreign exploitation given to them based on affiliations with the BFI or so forth. If you can show me one Arrow person with a background of years writing about/ documenting the very cinema the label generally releases then, sure, I will eat my words.

Over to you...

Last edited by Calum; 28th September 2016 at 07:50 AM.
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