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Old 1st October 2016, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I was the same for a while but something got under my skin with these and burrowed into my brain making me take the plunge and purge myself of any further trepidation in terms of these film. The first (which a lot of people seem to hold in the lowest regard due to it being more of a 'stock' home invasion films rather than it showing extreme 'purge' mayhem) was actually a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be... I think my mind had almost pre-emptively written it off and was programming it in as a mere stepping stone to a much more manic sequel, which I hope to check out sometime this month too if Love Film obliges of course.

Yeah, I'd rather eat my own socks than watch the Paranormal Activity films though.
I'll keep an eye out on your recommendation and see if i can pick up the two films on the cheap. Are there 3 now? Can't remember.

With plenty of salad cream socks are quite the delicacy round these parts.
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