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Old 6th October 2016, 02:50 PM
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MuckyFunster MuckyFunster is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2014

Film #2


I watched this last night with a mate who's been going on for years about it being his favourite film, and the scariest film ever. Maybe he'd talked it up too much, but I was left a bit underwhelmed with the movie. I'm not a huuuuge fan of the shaky cam found footage type of thing anyway. But because I'd heard pretty much nothing but positive reviews for Rec I did go in with high hopes. The way they'd done the claustrophobic elements was pretty good, and the feeling of panic was pretty good too. But I felt like there were a lot of avenues that were opened ip in the dialogue and then not explored, explained or concluded, such as the racism towards the Japanese family, the weird medical type room that was in the building, and obviously the finale, which was spring completely out of nowhere and to me didn't make a lot of sense.

I found the main character really annoying throughout, especially nearer the end, and, like I think with every found footage horror Ive seen, I just kept thinking "why the hell is the camera man still filming? If I was there I'd be going daft telling him to put down the camera and help!"

I don't want to give away any spoilers, in case any readers haven't seen the film yet, but as I mentioned above, the mad twist at the end was just a head scratcher.

Fair enough, I get that the infectious zombie plague thing has been done a load of times before and the film makers were obviously looking to do something, anything, different and new. But at the end all I could think was "what??"

And who the hell was the child in the loft? ?

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