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Old 15th October 2016, 09:37 PM
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

The X Files: Badlaa. Deep Roy, already iconic to cult TV fans as the murderous ventriloquist's dummy Mr Sin in the Tom Baker Doctor Who classic The Talons of Weng-Chiang, gets to be evil in another sci-fi horror fave as a murderous fakir whose lack of legs is more than made up for with his mental powers in this excellent episode. This is one of my fave episodes of season 8, even if the plot is a bit obscure (I'm no more sure than Scully and Doggett why he's targetting the people he is, unless he's just lashing out at Americans with happy families in entirely random acts of vengeance, which is perfectly possible I guess) but it's just so damn creepy and weird and scary I don't care!
It's not every day you can watch a midget pull themselves out of a corpse on Scully's autopsy table, even on this show!
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