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Old 17th October 2016, 05:32 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

Film No.13


Big Ronnie and his son Brayden run a walking disco tour around LA. Ronnie and Brayden have a very close relationship they work together and live together with the agreement that Brayden does all the cooking for his father but it's gotta be GREASY. On one of the walking tours Brayden falls for one of the customers Janet which makes his father crazy jealous and so begins a power struggle for Janets affection. Meanwhile a grease covered maniac is stalking the streets at night on a greasy rampage.


This is all that keeps playing through my head while i was watching this. Just like the title of the film the whole thing is greasy as F***. The music is annoying and will play over and over in your head long after the film ends. Big Ronnie spends most of the film naked with a big 15 inch love lenght swinging in the wind. There is a lot of men walking around in underpants and knee high socks it's not an easy watch i must say. Its hard to explain just how weird this film is one example is Braydens best friend oinker who to compliment his velvet underpants and knee high socks he sports a picks nose and oinks like a pig all the time. there is a phone sex scene and its one of the most disturbing things i have ever seen in my life well really every sex scene is disturbing. To sum this film up

WHAT THE F*** !!!!!

Do i recommend this one hell yeah i do its disturbing its strange its annoying it needs to be experienced and above all its GREASY.

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