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Old 17th October 2016, 06:24 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

Film No. 14

MessiahOfEvil (1).jpg

Arletty has not seen her father for many years and her only communication with him is regular letters she has received over the years. Over the past few weeks his letters are getting stranger and stranger until the suddenly stop completely. Overcome with worry for his wellbeing Arletty heads to Point Dune on the Californian Coast where her father lives. When she arrives at his apartment she finds it empty the only trace of her father is a diary in which he tells her to never come looking for him no matter what happens. Arletty heads out into the small town asking about her father but people act very weird towards her with many denying any knowledge of the man at all. On her travels she meets a homeless man who warns her of the blood moon and the dark strangers that came to the town which was never the same again from that day but as if that was not disturbing enough he tells her that her father is actually one of the dark strangers now and she should leave.

Messiah Of Evil is one hell of a creepy film the setting the atmosphere the locals the music everything just comes together and works so damn well. Its hard to put into words the feeling i got from watching sort of felt like a dream and even Arletty narrating over the film makes it even more creepy hearing her losing her mind as you are going along on the journey with her. I just have one question how the hell have i not seen this film before now.

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