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Old 19th October 2016, 12:08 AM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
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Default Blood Feast (1963)

Blood Feast (1963)


Even a massive H.G Lewis fan like myself would be hard pressed to say that Blood feast was the best horror film that has graced our screens,and out of all of his films in my humble opinion I think that 2000 Maniacs would be his most polished and probably his best film he ever made.Thats not to say the rest of his out put was any less entertaining,a lot of his movies have a dreamy nightmare quality you can only get from low budget features made in that hot and sweaty atmosphere you get in the basement of the grindhouse. Blood Feast does have the most ridiculous premise for a story,Fuad Ramses Egytian caterer,wants to resurrect an ancient goddess,in between slaughtering women for there body parts and catering for dinner parties. Who in the hell would hire Fuad Ramses to caterer for there party? he makes Heston Blumenthal look positively normal.Herschell Gordon Lewis movies have this kind of , off kilter feel to them,whether it be the low budget,or the locations or maybe just that period in time in which they were filmed,they seem like they exsist in an alternate universe,Wizard of Gore being a prime example. To really enjoy a Lewis movie,Please put your brain in a jar (for my friends you will not need it) before Fuad rips it out for his feast. All hail Ramses.RIP HG Lewis.
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