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Old 20th October 2016, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
The Visit (2015)

What the absolute **** was this shit?!

As soon as this started (I knew pretty much nothing about this one going in except Shyamalan directed it, so was anticipating the inevitable twist), I was worried I'd put in the wrong disc in error. I assumed I'd been given two annoying kids' shot on camcorder amateur, meandering holiday video instead, but no, I was unfortunately not mistaken.

I almost turned it off when the annoying boy-kid started rapping but insanity prevailed. Annoying girl-kid also came across as a prissy, know-it-all little shit, so already I was hoping someone would die. And quickly. When they arrive at the grandparents' house none of this meandering twattiness lets up and instead we are introduced to two plainly overly bizarre caricatures - just so it hits home (like a sledgehammer) that this couple aren't quite 'right'. You're also treated to some granny-ass too. This is pretty much it, and you endure the camcorder capers in the build-up to the 'dramatic' ending that a blind, lobotomized goldfish could see coming a mile off and which is anti-climactic uninspiring nonsense - or perhaps I'd just given up caring / hoping characters would die by then.

When this finally ended, I was physically angry at myself for actually having watched this dreck... and I'm the first to admit that I watch a lot of dreck, and this very very very rarely happens to me where watcher's remorse is invoked and I feel the need to give my brain an enema to expel the very memory of this turgid garbage from my very being. The turd icing on this dense shit filled cake is the end-credit sequence of the annoying boy-kid rapping again - a final '**** you' from master film-troll Shyamalan.

I would say 'kill it with fire' but I wouldn't waste the matches.
Little rapping bastard!!! Best bit of the whole film was when Grandpa wraps a shitefilled adult diaper around the little bastards chops. And no that's not a spoiler. Can't spoil this film anymore than you could polish a damn turd.
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