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Old 22nd October 2016, 07:27 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
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Default The Thing from Another World (1951, USA)

The Thing from Another World (1951, USA)


For going all the paranoia stuff about who goes there and who you can and cannot trust,this Thing is just a pure monster mash punch up,humans vs alien,and leave the chin stroking and over analysis at the door.With some rather nice punchy banter between Kenneth Tobey and Margaret Sheridan at the start of the film,hinting at a previous liaison AND a blossoming romance the film begins like a comedy romance then nose dives straight into the action as the cast go heading off to find a crash landed spacecraft.The realization they have found a UFO when they spread out across the melted out lined shape of the ship is a key moment, just a shame they blow the spacecraft up while trying to melt the ice to recover it.But wait a minute what is this buried in a block of ice? Well while the Thing is defrosting in a store room some where,Tobey and Sheridan carry on with there romance,unfortunately some one covers the alien in its icy tomb with an electric blanket,no guessing what happens next.Now up and about the Thing is in no mood to make friends and starts off into the snowy blizzard wrestling the sleigh dogs apart and losing his arm in the process.Its while examining the severed arm that they discover that the visitor is part vegetable,but with a hunger for blood.This Thing is slightly more viscous than say some of the earlier alien invaders,while not having the advantage of using a ray gun,the Thing attacks with his giant claw like mitts.Its a startling looking beast,sort of a cross between Frankenstein s monster and Halloweens Micheal Myers boiler suited wearing killer.Its a fun and fast paced movie,with some snappy dialogue and some great moments of action as the alien faces off against his human foes. A child hood favorite of mine,and remember Keep Watching the Skies.
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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