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Old 23rd October 2016, 12:05 PM
Frankie Teardrop's Avatar
Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

DRIVE IN MASSACRE – Some murders are happening down at the drive in. Who is the culprit? Could it be the drive in's slimy owner, who resembles Anton LaVey in a car coat? Could it be the janitor with the weird hat? How about the man who lives in a room made of porn? Things are getting serious, so two rubbish detectives are drafted in. They go around talking to each other, and to others. Erm, that's it, really. 'Drive In Massacre' pretty much redefines 'ropey' for those looking for exploitation era greasiness. Now, as far as bad movie status goes, it's not in the video supermax under armed guard, unlike, say, 'A Night to Dismember'. It doesn't totally violate every cinematic expectation. It is, however, very creaky and quite woefully put together. Aside from a couple of gory killings near the beginning, not a whole lot happens in the horror stakes, so I don't imagine the casual viewer's interest will be held. Those with an eye for weirdo eccentricities will find enough to keep themselves occupied, however. From the 'electronic' soundtrack, done on a shit keyboard but still somehow managing to sound like something by Suicide at points, to the badly edited shots of ugly people shouting and partially forgetting their lines to the revelation that the already arbitrary seeming 'climax' is a complete red herring, 'Drive In Massacre' won't really disappoint those in search of nuggets of shite. Admittedly, that's not everyone. Journalistic caution means that I can only recommend 'Drive In Massacre' to myself with a clear conscience. 88 Films have at least given me and fellow sufferers an excuse to retire the old Vipco edition with their excellent blu-ray, which thankfully accentuates the visual rot at the heart of this film.
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