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Old 24th October 2016, 12:56 PM
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Roughale Roughale is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Hamburg, Germany

I had anticipated this episode so much, I had to set my alarm clock earlier, so I could watch the episode before I got into any danger of being spoilt... I was very happy with the episode, it was tough to take in places, maybe "shocking" does not fit that well, but it was brutal, both physical and psychologigal. Negan is a tough villain, maybe a bit over the top, but I guess he was overplaying it to put a better impact on his introduction to Rick's group... I liked the way they told the episode a lot - it kept the tension right at the top, but did not feel like they were stressing it artificially - for me one of the best TWD episodes so far!

And yeah, my spoiler worries were absolutely correct there are so many sad losers around that don't give a toss about other people, despite my preparation work last Friday, when I took of all feeds from TWD- or horror-related sites on Facebook, I missed a few, but who could have guessed that the pimpled tosser who runs the Slash (GNR guitarist) fan page spoils this too? The long overdue unlike will follow soon, I see mostly shoit bthere anyway...

Oi - we have a spoiler smilie here, but probably only people who have seen the episode will understand that, so here it is:
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