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Old 28th October 2016, 04:24 PM
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Stephen@Cult Labs Stephen@Cult Labs is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Irvine, Scotland


Release date 27th Feb 2017

Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice - Blu-ray

A young couple uncovered the horrors that lay hidden in the small community of Gatlin, Nebraska. Three years earlier, all the adults suffered a terrible fate at the hands of their own sons and daughters - victims of a bloody cult of human sacrifi ce. Now the bodies have been discovered and the neighbouring townsfolk of Hemingford agree to shelter the traumatised children, unaware that they are opening their doors to an awesome force that will threaten their very existence! Featuring some malicious set pieces, and a script co-written by Gilbert Adler (producer of SUPERMAN RETURNS and VALKYRIE), CHILDREN OF THE CORN II: THE FINAL SACRIFICE carves up a thrilling entry into the winning franchise formula.

Includes Original Workprint - the first positive print of Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice - used in the editing process.
English Subtitles (optional)
Original Theatrical Trailer
Reversible Sleeve featuring original artwork

"Give me grain or give me death!"
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