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Old 30th October 2016, 09:48 AM
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MuckyFunster MuckyFunster is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2014
Default October Horror Movie Marathon

Film #12

"Zombi Holocaust"

Zombies AND cannibals! What's not to like?? The gore scenes were pretty well done and gruesome and the film was pretty decent. I also watched the eaten alive docu on the special features of the 88 release. Really good documentary and the interviews with the directors and cast members are great to see. All the wee anecdotes and memories from the time of filming and locations are great to hear, and the actor's opinions to the movie's content are good and often quite surprising.

Film #13

"They Live"

This is one of my favourite movies. I love how visual the scenes are where Nada has the glasses and is just looking at our day to day stuff, being able to see through all the bullshit. When you look see these scenes at first it's like "wow, what imagination!", but then when you think about it it's like just so obvious that's the truth and is really what all the adverts, etc are saying to you. The themes about the minority in power keeping the masses under control, asleep and obedient are so right on. It's a really relevant film that has this serious and important message but stays comic enough to appeal to persons (like me) who otherwise wouldn't sit through a hard line political drama. Thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking.

Right, back to the trash.

Film #14

"Splatter University"

Decent enough wee slasher film with some good gore effects, but the killings were all so similar and unimaginative. It gave the killer's identity away so obviously and early on in the film that I was sure it was a red herring and I was waiting on the twist coming at some point...but it never did. I enjoyed the one liners here and there where students were learning of their friend's deaths with utter nonchalance. These were obviously mocking the formula of slasher films set in schools where there's a maniac at large and all these pupils and teachers are being offed one by one but the rest of the students and teachers are continuing to come to school to work and study, and the "advice" being given out is simply to "be careful, there's a nutter out there somewhere".

Good thing I enjoy these stupid troma movies!

Film #15

"What really frightens you?"

This full feature length film is included in the special features on 88's Splatter U disc. It's a solid enough wee supernatural horror film about a journalist for a horror magazine who interviews some people on the street about what really frightens them. The stories picked are then written about in the magazine. The interviewees then start having nightmares and hallucinations about what really frightens them, leading to them being literally scared to death...! :-D

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