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Old 3rd November 2016, 06:35 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
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Default Laughing Gravy (04 April 1931)

Laughing Gravy (04 April 1931)



Its a snowy landscape,but Stan and Ollie are all warm and cosy in bed,while outside the snow keeps coming,every thing is fine until Stan gets the hiccups and not only wakes Ollie up but poor old Laughing Gravy as well.Of course being a Laurel and Hardy film nothing is that simple,especially when there landlord is hard put upon Charlie Hall,obviously having Stan and Ollie as tenants is enough to derive any one mad.Then again I kind of feel sorry for Laughing Gravy,the poor pooch is not only turfed out of the house into the cold but also manages to get himself on the roof of the house,clever dog manages to climb up the inside of the chimney.Also incredibly Gravy seems to have a rather bushy black moustache.Laughing Gravy is a classic film,but its not chock full of gags,but it is very nicely paced film,with plenty of stand out moments,see Ollie impersonate Gravy in the flower bushes only to get a flower pot thrown at him,at first he cries in agony.then he instantly remembers he is supposed to be a dog and starts yelping.And it also has a great moment of pathos,Stan receives a letter telling him he has to leave Ollie if he wants to inherit a $1000,obviously Stan is stricken,he with holds the letter from Ollie,which leads to Ollie tormenting Stan with a song.Eventually Stan caves in and lets Ollie read the note,to say that Ollie is crest fallen would be an understatement.its a nice moment when Ollie realises its been him holding Stan back,not the other way around,as he had assumed so may times,sad and rather touching,While the boys are as usual excellent , Laughing Gravy the dog deserves a big mention,he looks completely non-plussed by all the antics also the great Charlie Hall,is also fantastic,he really is put through the ringer by the duo and there dog,and is very funny throughout the film.
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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