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Old 24th November 2016, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
In Bed With Madonna (1991)
I watched this recently, but it's one of my favourites and I have seen it many times, perhaps I have an almost rose tinted view of it. I like seeing how bratty she is, I like seeing her tantrums and diva turns. It would have been a bit more rounded if it featured more about the dancers, many of whom she picked out of the drag clubs in New York and therefore must have had some good stories to tell. If you have seen the documentary called Paris is Burning, they essentially came from the same circle of people as depicted in that film. If you haven't seen that I'd say to check it out, it is rather niche though so maybe you should read some reviews about it rather than blind buying it.

Triumphant sight on a northern sky

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