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Old 25th November 2016, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I don't know really.
It wouldn't surprise me if the news said record amounts had been spent in the run up to Christmas.

As for Black Friday. It's an American tradition so it can bugger off back there as far as i'm concerned. It wouldn't surprise me if they tried to push Thanksgiving over here in the near future.
I can see there being a case of preferring to make 10 sales with a profit margin of £1 rather than one sale with a profit of £10 but, unless people are running up even greater debt than previously, do not think there is more disposable cash floating around. I might be wrong though.

In terms of Black Friday and Thanksgiving, it's part of the 'Pax Americana' and cultural hegemony which has been increasing in recent years. I recently heard, American spellings such as 'color' and 'organized' are now accepted in schools.
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