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Old 7th December 2016, 06:26 PM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is online now
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Note: These are not the films I have seen most. Because:

a) I worked in a cinema, and so my list would contain things like 'Police Academy: Assignment Miami Beach', Michael Jackson's Moonalker', 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' etc. I'm sure they have merit, but after seeing them 3 times a day, for up to a month, I am sick of them!

b) I used to babysit for my cousin in the early 80's, and he had the original 'Star Wars' trilogy, 'ET' and 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' on repeat play!

Instead, these are the films I have seen most thru choice

1 - The Wizard Of Oz. The most magical film ever made, and one that I can (and do) watch at every opportunity
2 - The Rocky Horror Picture Show. In the 80's and 90's, it was the story of my life and something I would watch on a weekly basis. Even now, I can quote the entire film perfectly
3 - The Evil Dead. The original one. I got it out of the video shop when it was first released, and spent an entire weekend watching it back to back. Then I would see it on the midnight showings in Portsmouth, I got the cut version on video when it was re-released on sell thru and I got a DVD player specifically to get the Anchor Bay box set release
4 - Tootsie. Another film I used to have on repeat play. It's a guilty pleasure, but I must admit that I now watch it, laughing at the implausibilities and plot holes
5 - The Kids Are Alright. The documentary about The Who. Without doubt, the greatest film about music ever released, and I never get tired to watching the live performances on it
6 - An American Werewolf In London. The perfect antidote when I have watched too many modern films that rely on CGI effects. I love watching this (and Carpenters' 'The Thing') and marveling at the practical effects
7 - The Italian Job. The original one. I can't help myself - every time it's on television, I have to watch it!
8 - King Kong. The original one. Another film that is the perfect antidote for modern monster movies.
9 - Police Story. The best of the Jackie Chan films, and one I always show to people when trying to get them to understand what real stunts look like
10 - Demons. Always good to end on a gorefest!
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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