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Old 11th December 2016, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Scalps (1983)

I vaguely remember seeing this in the 80's and quite enjoying it. However here and now in 2016 i can safely say it's ****ing terrible. The film has a creative soundtrack that is both memorable and ever so eerie, setting up this tale of possession by Indian spirits of those who desecrate their burial grounds, rather well.

But for a 75 minute film (plus end credits) it's almost criminal that nothing of note happens until almost the hour mark. We have endless scenes of chatter, camping, archeology, more camping, a lot of driving around but nothing of note. As for the film's title. We have one scalping scene. It's gory but unrealistic with the end result looking more like The Mekon from Dan Dare strips than anything else. In fact the film is so poor one extra features 'horror expert' Justin Kerswell attempting to justify the films existence.

I realize this film was low budget (although it was shot entirely on location so it wasn't that low ) but the presentation is dreadful. 88 Films (who released it) claim this is a 2K scan but it looks no better than a 'Digitally Remastered' film from the likes of Vipco, in other words very soft, incredibly grainy, and occasionally muted colour levels, in fact a poor vhs rip comes to mind. As for the added gore which is from a poor vhs tape, well there isn't much difference. How this is out on blu-ray mystifies me.
It baffles me how some films out there are on Blu ray , when so many better films haven't even been transferred over from vhs to dvd yet, and companies seem to constantly keep releasing the same film over and over again, how many times can films like tcm and Burning be released ?
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