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Old 19th December 2016, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
I saw Rogue One this morning and am probably in complete agreement with kierarts. It definitely benefits from being largely fresh and not a retread of a previous film, explaining why the Death Star was able to be destroyed in A New Hope (the word 'hope' features a lot in the script, so it is a clear link to Episode IV), reminding you what a badass Darth Vader is and how much of the Rebel Alliance was splintered and not in complete agreement with the high command. I hated every scene in which Peter Cushing appeared because the CGI was jarring and a constant reminder that he is no longer with us – Governor Tarkin looked like he was from a different, animated, film and featured far too often.

From memory, the dogfights and other action sequences (many reminiscent of footage of Pacific warfare from World War II) were as good as in The Force Awakens and better than the prequel films, so that's another plus. I liked the casting of Riz Ahmed, Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen (basically as a Zatoichi-like blind Samurai), and Alan Tudyk as the voice of the main robot, but HATED the prominence of Peter Cushing. Because it was mostly fresh, I probably enjoyed it more than The Force Awakens, but don't think it is something I'll rush out to buy in a few months.
Off to see it tomorrow, will see if Tarkin is as bad as both as you said, was excited at the thought of Cushing back on the screen, now its sounds like a bad idea.
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