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Old 8th January 2017, 02:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Eek! I seem to have started another stream of anti - Quentin venom. Didn't mean that. I just really enjoyed Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter. It was a film i hoped to like but loved it far more than i actually anticipated.

For the record. Reservoir Dogs is in my top 20 films of all time. Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown are also very good. I'm not so keen on the Kill Bill films, thought Death Proof was good, liked Inglorious, although it's too long and never gets better than it's opening 20 mins, and fell asleep during Django and never returned to it. I bought The Hateful 8 in Sainsbury's before Christmas but haven't seen it yet. Maybe this weekend.
Ill add my two pence worth, as much as i like Tarantino and his films and no denying his talents, after all he wrote True Romance which is a excellent film he didnt direct. (yes im aware he writes loads and most of what he directs)
I think he a bit to smug and got to big for big boots he over killing his films, not seen inglorious Bastard i cant get interested in it, Death proof well less said the better, like everything upto Kill Bill, hated Django unchained also long winded and i like long films, Hatefull 8 wasnt anything i expected, slow dull and boring, and feel like all his films recemtly are concentrating more on long and boring drawn out scenes, and dialogue, concentrate more on the film like he did when he first started. Yes im aware there was scenes all about dialogue but not as bad as his recent films.
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