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Old 14th January 2017, 11:32 AM
BAKA BAKA is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010

The Sphere is smaller according to Louise.

Hey guys, it is a different sphere. The discs in the Arrow version are house separately (they were inside the actual sphere in the AB version) and the sphere is also a bit smaller and seems pretty sturdy from the proof we have in at Arrow HQ. Hope that helps!
I'm about to pre-order mine now. I have £20 worth of points saved. So I'm glad it didn't end up launching on a microsite that circumvents the point system.

Killer announcements for my money though. Phantasm, Caltiki, The City Of The Dead, all definite pick ups with Wolf Guy and Catfight likely pick ups when reduced. Freda / Bava, Lee, the entire Phantasm collection including the new one, this is my kind of month. I genuinely thought they'd save the Phantasm set for Halloween.
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