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Old 15th January 2017, 06:58 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


Is this a remake of Joe D'amatos Anthropophagus? A sequel? It has some minor callbacks to that previous film, including a reference to some Greek coins found in George Eastman's pockets. Mind you Georges character is much less crusty-faced than in Anthro and appears to have developed immortality. Perhaps Ravenous was right?
Anyway, George is seen at the start of the film legging it from a priest. He scales a gate and impales himself on the railings. Gatecrashing the house he's run to he's taken to hospital to have his guts put back in. There its discovered somethings up (no shit) and he awakens and goes on a bloody murder spree. Its all somewhat baffling however I find myself not caring as in spite of everything the film is an awful lot of fun. One of the main complaints over Anthro was its plotting, with almost an hour going by before anything happens. Personally I've grown to appreciate Anthro as a 'mood piece' as it does generate a real atmosphere of impending doom. Absurd's biggest strength is that it adopts a more commercial pace to proceedings. Some may feel that's a put off but it did make the film more immediately accessible for me. Thought 88's Blu-ray looked terrific by the way, but then all prior versions I've seen looked ropy at best.
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