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Old 16th January 2017, 10:50 AM
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fuzzymctiger fuzzymctiger is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I also believe those who DONATED to the campaign, are in a bit of pickle if they want a refund. For starters, the campaign was originally for Absurd with the other films as stretch goals.

Secondly, being IndieGoGo, you're donating to a campaign and you get rewards for your donation. You are not purchasing a product.

Lastly, how much do they refund? People paid £45 pound for Absurd and any further stretch goals, which ended up being 5 films total. So what, £9? Not an awful lot considering they got the release earlier than retail with a bonus exclusive slipcase.

Some people, I swear.
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