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Old 16th January 2017, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
I'm still hoping they will do something with Susan, really surprised that they haven't yet.

Its his granddaughter after all these years you should think he would try to find her or at least find out what happened to her.
It would be a revelation indeed for Dr Who. Having Susan back would be terrific, but you know what things are like. Would Chris Chibnall even consider taking on Susan as a possible future companion again..... An older past companion and the granddaughter of the Doctor in the TARDIS would be like a breath of fresh air. The show desperately needs it. I'm not against the idea. Peter Capaldi certainly wanted Susan to return in 2015. But obviously Steven Moffat sees it differently.

Carol Ann Ford would be great to see again as Susan. But I doubt either showrunner's will even consider such a move.

Doctor seeing Susan again would be one of the most emotional moments in Doctor Who. And a great story is needed to deliver the emotional impact.

Whatever Happened to Susan Foreman?
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