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Old 7th December 2009, 12:07 AM
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BioZombie BioZombie is offline
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Originally Posted by DeadAlive View Post
The only thing that bothers me about it (Though it doesn't spoil the film for me.) is how did it all start? ****Spoiler Alert******If Hector 2 is the one who attacks Hector 1 and instigates his going back in time to start off with..... why was Hector 2 there in the first place?*****Spoiler End***** I will have to buy a copy of this to watch it again. Maybe I missed something?
Dont read below if you've yet to see Time Crimes spoilers ahead.

[spoiler]Dead Alive it shows you in the film how it works. There is a diagram of a time line that doubles back on itself. This film takes the idea that there is a single time line that cannot be changed (not mutiple timelines that are altered when you go back and change something ie Back to the Future). If everything is already mapped out (or has already happened) then it is perfectly possible for the start of a set of events to be chronolically after events that occur later in the time line. There are not really 3 hectors there is one hector on a time line that doubles back on himself twice. From a viewers perspective it looks like a loop but from Hectors persepctive there is no loop. After Hector has gone all the way though the switch back time line he will come out the other end and time will continue for him as a straight line (unless he gets in another time machine).[/spoiler]

Thats my take on it anyway hope that helps (alhough I sill find it a little hard to grasp myself )

Last edited by BioZombie; 7th December 2009 at 10:36 AM.
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